Marcus Djuhadi is a product designer living in Chicago. He shapes experiences that empower people in everyday life.

❋ Currently a Design Strategist at Relish Works.
❋ Previously at Punchcut, WeWork, Grand Studio, and Evolve Collaborative.


New website homepage vision for the global leader in flexible workspace solutions.


Evolution of core features and design system implementation for WeWork’s space management software.


Digital experience amplifying the legacy and people who shaped an indigenous American art form.

Relish Works

Projects from my time on an innovation team pioneering the next evolution of food industry startups.

Travel Protection

North star for a leading insurer to offer reliable, true protection as customers trek abroad.


Product design and strategy for a venture helping foodservice professionals develop the skills they need for the jobs they want.


Restaurant directory for people with dietary restrictions and those who care about them.


Interactive playground inviting young students to discover design’s impact on our daily world.