Relish Works


Relish Works is an innovation hub exploring the future of the foodservice industry. As the studio’s first intern hire, I worked on interdisciplinary teams to apply human-centered design towards challenges from farm-to-fork. I leveraged corporate partnerships and growth opportunities in new markets to concept, prototype, and launch new businesses.

Medically Tailored Meals Pilot Program

We were approached by a healthcare network to conceptualize a meal program bettering the health of seniors in their communities. Our pilot proposal received $500K in grant funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. My contributions included in-home research, service mapping, brand development, and experience design.
Design Director: Kate Micheels
Project Lead: Stephanie Russell
Design Strategists: Marcus Djuhadi, Kali Lewis, Hannah Sellers
Business Analysts: Tyler Booth, Michael Zhang

Back of House Website

I established the foundation for a new restaurant technology marketplace. Back of House’s mission is to help operators build smarter businesses with best-in-class insights and services. Partnering with another designer, I defined and prototyped end-to-end flows for the MVP. In Summer 2020, the Back of House platform launched in beta.
Design Director: Fernando de Buen Lopez
General Manager: Ryan Redmann
Project Lead: Mara Russo
Product Designers: Marcus Djuhadi, Katie Van Gulick

Food Focus Report

Over four weeks, I designed a 25-page report on cross-generational consumer eating trends. We created Food Focus to help Gordon Food Service’s leadership diversify their procurement strategy and identify macro shifts in people’s relationship with food. I also stepped up to support the team with secondary research and content writing for the final piece.
Design Director: Kate Micheels
Project Lead: Mara Russo
Design Researcher: Kali Lewis
Communication Designer: Marcus Djuhadi